Sunday, June 27, 2010

Days Eleven through Fourteen

CLEARLY I am having issues keeping up on this. I'll blog and post pics one night and then it's FOUR DAYS before I write again. Wasn't the challenge supposed to be taking a few minutes each day to write about what I thought about each pair of shoes? Am I not committed to the assignment/challenge? Am I starting to doubt myself? Am I just lazy and feel that spending quality time with some friends that I haven't seen in AGES and going out for a wonderfully fabulous dinner, or watching approximately 16 hours of Glee online in two days is more important than this? Yes. I'll say it again, YES, I do. Just because I have been challenging myself with this, and have been doing a pretty good job of wearing a different pair of shoes and taking pictures of them when I'm wearing them, doesn't mean I'm going to avoid the other things I want to do to make sure that I update this regularly.

Take Thursday for example. Black dress pants, cowl neck pink tank top from target, and my favorite black sling backs. BUT, do you know why I didn't update? I had things I had to do after work. Weekly weigh in at Weight Watchers with my mom. (Lost 1.2pounds by the way.) Then a lovely dinner with her. Drove back to Sunderland and went out with the boy to see a good friend at a local bar. By the time I got home I was a) too drunk to update. SERIOUSLY annoying girl from my high school was there and kept talking to me and the boy and was drunk off her ass. So, the boy started buying me Tequila Sunrises. And b) it was like 12:30 and I had to work at 9. But, I still wore a new pair of shoes. Well, new to the challenge. I've probably had them for 2 or 3 years now. And I've worn them VERY often. They're Nine West and ADORABLE!!! Pretty sure I bought them for like $20 at Macy's... a couple months after my sister bought the exact same pair for full price. Tee hee hee. Whoops! What can I say? She's one of my fashion icons. But, here they are. They may be kind of beat up and the leather is all scuffed and scratched. But, I love them and they're relatively comfortable.

Friday, was a little rough. I was sick much of the night before. (Three tequila sunrises, a 22oz. BBC Steel Rail, and a shot of blackberry brandy will do that to you.) And was only mildly hung over during the day. We ordered out for lunch. Goodies in Greenfield. SO good. Only, they put waaay too much oil and vinegar on their veggie wraps. But, I digress.

Friday commenced what I will call my weekend ritual. Wearing flip flops Friday/Saturday/Sunday to get through my plethora of them. We began with my HOT pink ones! Paired with jean capris and a hot pink v-neck t-shirt with a white tank underneath. See pictures.

After work I came home for a brief nap before meeting some good friends in Northampton for dinner. We all grew up together. I've known these three people since kindergarten. We all graduated together, I even went to college with one. One has been my best friend for about 7 or 8 years now. Although, we have grown apart in the past year and a half to two years. But, we're "The Crew". This one summer, between freshman and sophomore years in college the four of us and my boyfriend at the time spent every night together. We'd go to movies, or to Northampton, or wherever. We even all planned a beach day. Sadly, it was cold and rainy that day and not really a ton of fun beachwise. But, we made the best of it and did still have quite a lot of fun! :) That was our summer. The elusive perfect summer. So, getting all together to go out for dinner with some of our significant others was pretty damn great. We had a lot of fun. Then, the boy and I came home and rented a RedBox movie (our new obsession) and snuggled on the couch. It was a pretty great day.

Yesterday, was Saturday. We slept in, and when we got up he took me on a date! :) We went to Arizona Pizza for lunch (I had the white seafood pizza. YUM YUM!!), then we went to see Grown Ups. It was pretty funny. It was quite a lovely day. I wore a white polo with my blue linen pants and white flip flops.
After the movie I dropped him off at work. He had to do a "Meet and Greet". Which basically meant, he started work at 7pm, drove a coach bus to Bradley International Airport to meet 15 people coming in to do something at UMass when they got in at 12:20ish and then drive them back and drop them at their hotels. Needless to say, I was alone all evening. It was ok though. I've recently fallen in love with the TV Show Glee. I LOVE musicals and musical theater (the High School Musical movies had catchy songs, but I wasn't really all that into them). I had watched probably the first 5 or 6 episodes in the past couple weeks here and there, but literally sat down and watched about 9 episodes. Ending with "The Power of Madonna". What a way to end right? I heart Madonna. I think she's fabulous.

Of course, when I was done watching all of that, the boy was home and we watched some Kitchen Nightmares. Then got into bed. It was probably almost 5 am when we finally went to bed. But it was a pretty great night. This morning we slept til about 11:30 or so. I got up first and come out to watch some more Glee. I watched one or two episodes and then we decided to go get some lunch. He had to go back into work, so I watched the rest of Glee. It was pretty great and I'm pretty excited for next season.

Today's shoes are my yellow flip flops, paired with my orangey/reddish/yellowish flowered maxi dress from Target, last summer. I've only worn it once. In St. Maarten for the rehearsal dinner for my friend's wedding. I decided that I needed to give it another chance. I feel like it makes me look fat, with no shape. Although, I'm not really sure what I was expecting. It's a maxi dress. That's what they do. But, anyway, I'm wearing it. And I will wear it out to Trivia tonight too. Here they are. Lovely and bright huh? Loooove them!!!

Hopefully, I'll have a minute to post tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day Ten: Grey Flats

Hola Shoe Fans!

I thought about wearing heels today, but then remembered that one of my coworkers and I were going to do office inspections on a couple of vendors today, so since I knew we'd be walking around a bit I opted for flats that would be a little more comfortable. TA DAHHHHH!!!

Aren't they adorable!??! I found them online at when I needed new flats for my old job. But, they were a little tight when I first bought them so I didn't wear them that often because they ended up hurting. I've worn them enough now that they're broken in so they fit a bit better. I paired them with grey plaid dress pants and an army green flowy tshirt. The shirt is crazy comfortable (from Target). But, the last time I washed it something in the washer got caught on the front of the shirt and now there's a little hole. : ( I think I'm going to try to fix it, but I don't know how good it'll end up looking. I don't want it to look funny. Oh well.

I don't think I'm doing very well with this whole blogging thing. My insights and thoughts are kind of lame and boring... but I am having fun challenging myself and deciding on what to wear each day.


Shoe-sy Q

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Nine: Polka Dots!

It's a miracle! I'm actually updating on the actual day!! Woo! Today's shoes were one of the other pairs I bought online shopping with yesterday's pair. These are black with little white polka dots and red heels and platforms. Peep toes! *sigh* And you can't really see it from the pictures, but on the outside of the shoe part it's kind of pleated, or folded. It's hard to describe, but it's totally cute!! And they're not too high. They're actually pretty comfortable. I have a dress that matches them. It's strapless and black with the little white polka dots and then the trim on the hem of the dress is red satin and there's a red satin sash/cummerbund type thing around the middle. It's a 50's style dress. Got it on for the boy's sister's wedding. Sadly, the dress doesn't fit so well anymore. I've lost a bunch of weight since I bought it to it's kinda big in the top. Found that out on Halloween when I was a 50's Housewife. Pulled the costume together in about 5 minutes because I had to work til 11 and then was changing quickly to head over to a party. I'm kind of out of thoughts, but I'll leave you with some lovely pictures! :)

Shoe-sy Q

Monday, June 21, 2010

Days Five through Eight: I am a slacker...

I must apologize for my lack of blogging in the last (gulp) FOUR days! I really have no excuse. I could try to say that the shoes I wore were boring and you wouldn't want to see them anyway. They were, actually, all exactly the same, except for today. I have decided how to go about dealing with my plethora of Old Navy flip flops. Wear a different color each day of the weekend (and on Fridays since my job rocks so much that I get to wear flip flops on Fridays)

Anyway, my weekend was pretty great!! Friday was beautiful, and my good friend Leanne's birthday. She and I and my boyfriend went to see Shrek 4 to celebrate. Friday I also wore my dark teal Old Navy flip flops pictured here:

I love this color. It's so cute, and I wore my blue plaid shorts with them, and my dark teal tank top. Yeah, I like to match, what of it? These were a new purchase this summer, I was so excited when I saw them. I have light teal ones that I got last summer which I also love, but these were darker and bright and fun.

Saturday was also very good. My boyfriend and I slept in super late and lounged around in our pjs for hours. I finally got dressed in my jersey knit navy blue sundress from Old Navy. Probably THE most comfortable sundress ever! The material is so soft and comfy and it's not too short, but not so long that I get swallowed up. And it's got girly ruffles at the top across the neckline and a little keyhole to show off a little cleavage. Anyway, since I was wearing navy blue, I clearly needed my navy blue flip flops. These babies are acutally from Wal*Mart. A purchase of this spring when my gray Old Navy ones broke. As I was getting out of my car. To meet a friend for lunch. Yeah, that was obnoxious! So, I had to go over to Wally World and get a new pair. And I found these navy blue ones and those matched my outfit, so I grabbed them. I also dyed my hair for the first time in over a year, on Saturday. Blonde. I think I look better as a blonde. It's not like Christina Aguilera blonde, but it's pretty and actually looks pretty natural. In fact, my coworkers never even said anything today when they saw me. But, whatever. Also, Saturday night we went to Orange, my hometown, which is celebrating it's bicentennial this year! Woo! And at my old high school there was a little summer fest type thing with a band concert (my mom and aunt and uncles and cousin all play in the band) and then fireworks. That was a lot of fun. I love fireworks. It was going to get colder at night so I changed from my sundress to jean capris and a navy blue polo. I love polos. They're so versatile. But, I digress... anyway, here are the navy blue ones of Saturday.

Sunday was pretty great too. Again, we slept in nice and late and lounged around for pretty much the whole morning. The boy went to Subway to get lunch around 12:30ish and when he came back he started complaining about how crazy hot it was outside and how we should go swimming in the pool. Which, conveniently, is right across the driveway of our apartment complex from our apartment. So, we could scope out whether there were tons of other people there or not. There weren't so I slathered the SPF 30 onto my pasty skin and put on my new emerald green bathing suit (another Old Navy treasure) and we headed over. Clearly, since my bathing suit was a lovely dark green I had to wear my green flip flops. Of course, I did wear my white eyelet cover-up dress over my suit. So, we swam for a good hour or so and then I decided to lay out for a while and read/work on my tan. And he went back inside to study his Spanish homework. He's taking all four levels of Spanish this summer to fulfill graduation requirements. Sunday, was also my baby sister's 23rd birthday! Before we went over to go swimming I had to give her a call and chat with her to wish her a very happy birthday. She was in the process of searching for a new birthday outfit to wear out to dinner that night with her boyfriend and his family.
When I got back to the apartment we discussed what we should do for the evening. I had a whole chicken that I had bought to make for our anniversary back at the end of May, but it got put in the freezer because I decided I didn't want to cook that night, so I'd taken that out to thaw, thinking I'd make it on Sunday. But, we decided to go to Applebee's because on Sunday nights they do Trivia. It's really fun, and we usually go with about 4-10 people. It changes every week who goes. So, the chicken got put back into the fridge until Monday. We showered and got dressed for Trivia. In keeping with the same shoes all day, I opted for a short green skirt with little light yellow polka dots (Old Navy, yet again) and a bright yellow tank top from Express with a white ribbed tank over it and of course the green flops. Here are the green ones:
I really hope that showing each pair on isn't weirding anyone out. I mean, I think I have relatively cute feet, but I know some people have issues with feet, and therefore may not want to see my feet, whether or not they're in shoes. But, I think seeing a shoe on a foot gives a MUCH better idea of how it looks on. Does that even make sense? Who knows...

Moving right along... Today, is Monday. The beginning of week two of my challenge. I decided to go for heels today. Gray dress pants, cream colored shirt with swirly like colors on it. It's from NY&Co, and it's cute. I just can't describe it very well. And my brown/cream peep-toe heels that have little gold buckles on them. They are the fruit of an especially successful online shopping spree a la Target that I had about two or so years ago. That spree included my polka dot heels which I wore with a matching dress to the boy's older sister's wedding. And my sigh-worthy red patent-leather peep-toe heels. But, I'm not here to talk about how the red ones almost make me go weak in the knees.

The flip flops all weekend, were clearly comfortable and easy to walk in, but the brown ones from today, not quite as comfy. They kind of squish my toes together, which is fine, that's what high heeled shoes normally do. But, to walk around in them it kind of pinches and isn't really all that comfortable. I'm glad I didn't have to walk around too much with them. Also, the heel guard things that I put in ALL of my high heeled shoes to help keep my feet from popping out in the back, are different in this pair than in my other ones, so they're kind of falling apart. I should really pull those out and put in a pair of the ones that work better. Also, after work I had to stop over at the grocery store because we had practically ZERO fruit or salad fixings in the house and since both the boy and I are working on eating healthier, fruits and veggies are sometimes pretty helpful. And walking all over the grocery store wasn't really the best idea in those heels. My toes still hurt a little, but not too much. Not enough to discourage me from wearing a different pair of heels tomorrow.


Shoe-sy Q

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day Four: Black Mossimo Flats/Black and white polka dot galoshes

Today I cheated. I wore two pairs of shoes. I know, that's not the challenge. BUT, nowhere do I remember saying that I couldn't wear two different pairs for parts of the day. Although, my galoshes don't really count. I only wore them from my apartment to work. At work I changed into my little black Mossimo flats that I got when I went shopping with Shannon when I first got promoted to Supervisor back at the Hotel. I've worn these little flats SO much since I bought them. They're pretty comfortable so wearing them to work at the Hotel was fine, and they're way cuter than my "ugly, Mom shoes" that I normally wore. It was a good thing I wore the flats today instead of heels. My current boss has been out yesterday and today at a conference in Boston, but has been emailing back and forth with one of the other girls I work with and asked that the three of us take turns riding the fixed bus routes that we have. I work at a transportation place now. Normally, we just schedule rides for MassHealth, but since we're still part of the whole transit authority we get questions about the fixed bus routes too. So, to familiarize ourselves with the routes she wanted us to ride them. So, I walked from the office to the bus stop, only about a 3 minute walk, and it was sunny and warm out today so I didn't mind. I did wish that I'd grabbed my sunglasses before I left though. But, I was glad that I had my flats on and not heels, because walking that far, even though it really wasn't far, would have probably hurt my ankles.

But, here's why I kind of cheated today. When I woke up it was wet and rainy and gross out, so I decided it would be the perfect day for my galoshes, which I was a little concerned as to how I would go about incorporating them into my challenge as it's summertime now. I have that concern about my three pairs of boots and clunky shoes too, but that'll just be another challenge! So, when I saw that it was rainy I ran to my computer and logged into my iGoogle where it said that the forecast for today was rain and 77 degrees. Perfect galoshes weather!! So, I put those on. But, knowing that it could get warmer and that it is indeed New England and could very easily go from raining to snowing to hot and humid and back again at any given moment made me grab a second pair of shoes to throw into my bag, just in case. And those were the ones I ended up wearing all day. So, I guess I'll just have to wear my galoshes another time! For your viewing pleasure, here are my black flats and my galoshes! Enjoy!

As you can see, my flats have DEFINITELY been worn a lot. The sole in the front of the right one is kind of coming apart, and the sides of both are kind of scuffed! haha Clearly, I've gotten my money's worth.

Day Three: Charlotte Russe Robin's Egg Blue Patent Leather Sling-backs

Day Three! So far so good! Of course I'm doing much better with my wearing the shoes than I am with the blogging part. :-/ Oh well, such is life. I'm busy, I get tired, and when I get home after a day of work (and laundry as was the case yesterday) posting pictures is not in the forefront of my mind. Anyway, I love these shoes. Of course I'm probably going to say that about every pair that I own, which is good, since you don't want to own something that you don't love right? But, I digress... I got these shoes from my sister. She bought them about two years ago when we went to visit our cousin Alisha in Texas, at Charlotte Russe. But, when she got them home she realized that they really weren't big enough for her. She wears a size 7 usually whereas I wear between a 5.5 and a 6. Sometimes, as small as a 4 in little kids. So, she decided to give them to me. YAY! Thanks R!

These shoes combine two of my very favorite characteristics for shoes. High heels, and peep-toes! I don't know what it is but I absolutely adore peep-toe shoes. Well, peep-toe HEELS... I don't really like peep-toe flats. They're weird. But these are great. The heel isn't too high and the sling back part is great too because they stay on my feet. I have oddly shaped feet, I think because closed back shoes often slip off of my heels and then get awkward. Usually I buy the little slip guards from CVS, which do work wonders, by the way. I think I have a pair of them in just about every pair of closed back shoes I own.

My toes got a little squished in these shoes, but my feet didn't really hurt. If I had been walking around a whole lot I think they would have hurt, but they were pretty good. So, here they are! :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day Two: Candies Varzity Argyle Shoes

Today was Day Two of the challenge. The shoes today were my Candies "Varzity Argyle". I LOVE argyle I really don't know what it is about it, but I do. My mom and my sister think I'm crazy, they're not fans of the fabulous print. But, I don't care.
I found these gems at Kohl's a few years ago. And they were on CLEARANCE!! so I just had to bring them home with me. I figured, at the time, that I would need sensible heels for when I went to interviews or when I got a job that required business attire or business casual. At that point I was working at a hotel and walking around in these babies for 8 hours a day was NOT a great idea. My feet and my back would KILL at the end of the day. I sucked it up a couple of times, mostly because I would forget or block out the fact that they'd end up hurting so badly by the end of the day.
But, since I no longer work at a hotel and just sit behind a desk all day, they're fabulous. My feet don't hurt too bad tonight. I didn't slip or twist my ankle or stumble in them like I normally do. For some reason when I wear tiny heels like this I tend to stumble more than when I wear normal heels. :::shrugs::: Anyway, the only thing that I don't like about these is that they pinch on my pinky toe where it meets my foot. Not a lot, but after wearing them all day long it's a little sore. But, all in all they're quite cute and I like them. I prefer to wear them with pants, rather than skirts or dresses because I feel like unless I wear real heels with skirts or dresses I look even shorter than I already am. Today these lovelies were paired with black dress pants, and a light teal/green/blue short-sleeved top.

For your viewing pleasure... here are some pics of today's shoes.

Can't wait to decide what's up for tomorrow. Perhaps a pair of peep-toes?

Shoe-sy Q

Day One: Purple Suede Flats

Yesterday, was Day One of my challenge. I wore my purple suede flats with black dress pants from Target, a bright purple tank top from Express and a white sweater from WalMart. The flats were a gift to me from my younger sister for Christmas. They're actually quite comfortable. I was able to wear them all day without my feet hurting, they got a little sweaty, but generally felt pretty good. However, it was also Monday and Mondays are Top Gear Night. Top Gear is a British Car Show that I watch with some friends who live across the parking lot of my apartment complex. One of the guys who lives in that apartment is also a fabulous chef and he and I make dinner for all of us who come to watch Top Gear. So, by the time Darrell and I were done making dinner (BLTs, potato salad and pasta salad, in case you were wondering), watching Top Gear with everyone and I got home it was getting late and I was exhausted and just wanted to get to bed at a relatively decent hour, since I had to work in the morning. So, I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I will post twice tonight to make up for it!

Here are the shoes from Day One!

I like how they're shaped. Like it's two pieces and the little V type shape they make at the middle. The one thing I'm not a huge fan of though... Toe Cleavage. It makes me uncomfortable. I know it's unavoidable sometimes and I dealt with it all day... mostly I just didn't look at my feet. And, I have been much more ok with it recently than I used to be, but still... it's weird. Normally I avoid toe cleavage as much as possible, but my sister gave me these shoes and I love her a whole lot and I had to give them a shot and once I discovered how cute they really are and that they're pretty comfortable I bite the bullet and deal with the toe cleavage.

On to Day Two!

Shoe-sy Q

Friday, June 11, 2010

To Splurge, or Not to Splurge.

I sit here eating my lunch (fresh strawberries, red grapes, Leane Cuisine pumpkin ravioli, and a Nestle Toll House chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich) and having a very serious debate in my head about shoes. Whether to splurge on some shoes. Chrisitan Louboutin shoes to be exact. I found this website while Google searching for the real website. The shoes on this website are 80% off of the original prices... i.e. $165 for shoes that originall sell for $820!! I looked through all the pumps, since those are really my passion, and have narrowed it down to three pairs. Well, ok, one pair is actually Manolo Blahniks. The sapphire blue ones from the Sex and the City Movie, which I fell in love with when I saw it. So, here are the ones I'm looking at right now...

The first two pictures are of the same shoe, White back pink pumps (aptly named, don't you think?) but I wanted to show off the backs because they're SO cute! Heel height is 4 7/10 inches. The black pair is called Altipump, crescent toe, 1inch platform and 4 1/2 inch heel. And lastly, Carrie Bradshaw's wedding shoes (insert sigh here)!! Manolo Blahnik blue satin pumps, 4 1/4 heel.

Each pair is $165. Shipping is an additional $20. I've never purchased or owned a pair of designer shoes, but I would really like to. But, would they just sit in my closet forever not being worn because I don't want to ruin them since I spent so much on them? Or would this start a very bad habit? Also, another concern I have is whether this site is legit and the shoes haven't just "fallen off a truck" or are fake. The fake part doesn't bother me quite as much as it would if I found out they were fake AFTER having paid over $100 dollars on them. If I got the black ones I'd probably wear those much more than the other ones since black goes with everything and I do need a pair of black pumps. I have peep-toe sling-backs that are black, and a pair of ones with little cut-outs on the toe part, but I want just a plain black pair. The pink and white ones are quite possibly my FAVORITES because they're just so damned cute! Plus, I love the little embellishments on the heel. The Manolos would be more just for fun. I don't know if I'd wear them much. Although, I do have a really cute sapphire blue top that I could wear them with, or just a plain black skirt and a light top? Hmm... but, as cute as they are and as much as I love Sex and the City and would totally love to have "Carrie's wedding shoes" they just don't really do quite as much for me as the other ones do.

But, the question remains... to splurge, or not to splurge?

Shoe-sy Q

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start...

I guess I'm finally jumping onto the Blog bandwagon. I don't want to try and follow the trend of it, and after a day or two I'll probably forget all about this like my LiveJournal back in the day or my MySpace blog that I ignored for months at a time.

But, two very dear friends of mine have recently begun their own blogs. Or, at least, I have recently begun reading their blogs regularly. One focuses on fashion (fatshion) and I have always admired her fashion sense and how she can throw together a fabulous outfit in seemingly no time flat. The other mainly discusses what she's doing and rants about the insuffrable guests at the hotel she works at. I enjoy reading both blogs because I can relate to both of them in different ways.

I may not be quite the plus-sized fashionista that the first one is, but I am an awkward shape and have difficulties finding clothes that fit me and look good too. And, living in a small town I don't have the money or the resources (save for the interwebs) to acquire the newest fashions. But, I'm ok with that. I like my style, whatever it is and (most days) I'm quite happy with how I look. And even though I may not always feel the same way about certain fashions (I'm sorry, I just can't get into the whole pantsuit/romper thing) I still like seeing things from her perspective and I do have a better appreciation for her style.

Ranting and questioning the quirks of hotel guests like the second friend is quite familiar to me as I, too, worked in hotels for just under 3 years. The stories that I have of behind the scenes goings on as well as irate and irrational guests is about as long as my arm! So, when I read her comments on how ridiculous people are it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who feels that way.

Another thing I like about their blogs is that they both mention things that are going on in their lives. We all used to live together at college and see each other every day, and now that we've all graduated and gone off on our own adventures I don't get to see/talk to them as much anymore and that makes me rather sad. So, reading their blogs I feel like I can stay in contact with them and mostly updated on the goings on in their lives.

I guess that's where this comes in. Maybe they want to keep tabs on me too, and as fabulous Facebook is on updating us when we do something, I feel that reading their blogs are more personal. Perhaps you want to keep tabs on me. Whoever, "you" are. Hi. How's things?

Anyway, I decided to start this because I've been feeling a little lethargic. Just started a new job (woo hoo!) in which I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day and stare at a computer screen (blah). I've only been here for almost two months and I do love it, but I am getting into a routine. It's the same every day. I need something else to keep me challenged. Working at the hotel, my schedule changed all the time and the people whom I worked with changed too. And I was on my feet and walking around and doing other things all day. I didn't realize how much that aspect kept me guessing as to how the day would go.

So, I decided to challenge myself. What do people blog about? Something they love. Something they're passionate about. Their jobs. Lives. Loves. Loss. Poetry. Pictures. People. Clothes. Pets. SHOES. After one particularly successful afternoon of perusing the internet and purchasing a pair of grey patten leather peep toe pumps (Happy Birthday to Me! and my first purchase from eBay) I thought about all of these things and decided that I kind of wanted to start my own blog. About shoes. My shoes. My beautiful, shiny, fabulous shoes.

I have issued myself a challenge. To wear each and every pair of shoes in my closet(without repeating). Document the shoes. And corresponding outfit (photographically obviously). Then discuss my insights on the day. Whether the shoes were comfy or not. Where I bought them, how long I've had them, etc. After my post I would invite questions/comments about what I've posted.

I would estimate that I have probably 40-50 pairs of shoes, including my Old Navy flip flops of which I have probably 12 pairs. Do those even count? They're all exactly the same as the next pair save for the color. Do slippers count? Also, along with the shoes that I LOVE I would throw in a post here or there about shoes that I don't understand or CAN'T stand.

It's settled then. Monday June 14th will begin my challenge. (No sense in jumping right into this on a Thursday). Plus it will give me the weekend to plan things out and get a strategy.

Shoe-sy Q