Sunday, June 27, 2010

Days Eleven through Fourteen

CLEARLY I am having issues keeping up on this. I'll blog and post pics one night and then it's FOUR DAYS before I write again. Wasn't the challenge supposed to be taking a few minutes each day to write about what I thought about each pair of shoes? Am I not committed to the assignment/challenge? Am I starting to doubt myself? Am I just lazy and feel that spending quality time with some friends that I haven't seen in AGES and going out for a wonderfully fabulous dinner, or watching approximately 16 hours of Glee online in two days is more important than this? Yes. I'll say it again, YES, I do. Just because I have been challenging myself with this, and have been doing a pretty good job of wearing a different pair of shoes and taking pictures of them when I'm wearing them, doesn't mean I'm going to avoid the other things I want to do to make sure that I update this regularly.

Take Thursday for example. Black dress pants, cowl neck pink tank top from target, and my favorite black sling backs. BUT, do you know why I didn't update? I had things I had to do after work. Weekly weigh in at Weight Watchers with my mom. (Lost 1.2pounds by the way.) Then a lovely dinner with her. Drove back to Sunderland and went out with the boy to see a good friend at a local bar. By the time I got home I was a) too drunk to update. SERIOUSLY annoying girl from my high school was there and kept talking to me and the boy and was drunk off her ass. So, the boy started buying me Tequila Sunrises. And b) it was like 12:30 and I had to work at 9. But, I still wore a new pair of shoes. Well, new to the challenge. I've probably had them for 2 or 3 years now. And I've worn them VERY often. They're Nine West and ADORABLE!!! Pretty sure I bought them for like $20 at Macy's... a couple months after my sister bought the exact same pair for full price. Tee hee hee. Whoops! What can I say? She's one of my fashion icons. But, here they are. They may be kind of beat up and the leather is all scuffed and scratched. But, I love them and they're relatively comfortable.

Friday, was a little rough. I was sick much of the night before. (Three tequila sunrises, a 22oz. BBC Steel Rail, and a shot of blackberry brandy will do that to you.) And was only mildly hung over during the day. We ordered out for lunch. Goodies in Greenfield. SO good. Only, they put waaay too much oil and vinegar on their veggie wraps. But, I digress.

Friday commenced what I will call my weekend ritual. Wearing flip flops Friday/Saturday/Sunday to get through my plethora of them. We began with my HOT pink ones! Paired with jean capris and a hot pink v-neck t-shirt with a white tank underneath. See pictures.

After work I came home for a brief nap before meeting some good friends in Northampton for dinner. We all grew up together. I've known these three people since kindergarten. We all graduated together, I even went to college with one. One has been my best friend for about 7 or 8 years now. Although, we have grown apart in the past year and a half to two years. But, we're "The Crew". This one summer, between freshman and sophomore years in college the four of us and my boyfriend at the time spent every night together. We'd go to movies, or to Northampton, or wherever. We even all planned a beach day. Sadly, it was cold and rainy that day and not really a ton of fun beachwise. But, we made the best of it and did still have quite a lot of fun! :) That was our summer. The elusive perfect summer. So, getting all together to go out for dinner with some of our significant others was pretty damn great. We had a lot of fun. Then, the boy and I came home and rented a RedBox movie (our new obsession) and snuggled on the couch. It was a pretty great day.

Yesterday, was Saturday. We slept in, and when we got up he took me on a date! :) We went to Arizona Pizza for lunch (I had the white seafood pizza. YUM YUM!!), then we went to see Grown Ups. It was pretty funny. It was quite a lovely day. I wore a white polo with my blue linen pants and white flip flops.
After the movie I dropped him off at work. He had to do a "Meet and Greet". Which basically meant, he started work at 7pm, drove a coach bus to Bradley International Airport to meet 15 people coming in to do something at UMass when they got in at 12:20ish and then drive them back and drop them at their hotels. Needless to say, I was alone all evening. It was ok though. I've recently fallen in love with the TV Show Glee. I LOVE musicals and musical theater (the High School Musical movies had catchy songs, but I wasn't really all that into them). I had watched probably the first 5 or 6 episodes in the past couple weeks here and there, but literally sat down and watched about 9 episodes. Ending with "The Power of Madonna". What a way to end right? I heart Madonna. I think she's fabulous.

Of course, when I was done watching all of that, the boy was home and we watched some Kitchen Nightmares. Then got into bed. It was probably almost 5 am when we finally went to bed. But it was a pretty great night. This morning we slept til about 11:30 or so. I got up first and come out to watch some more Glee. I watched one or two episodes and then we decided to go get some lunch. He had to go back into work, so I watched the rest of Glee. It was pretty great and I'm pretty excited for next season.

Today's shoes are my yellow flip flops, paired with my orangey/reddish/yellowish flowered maxi dress from Target, last summer. I've only worn it once. In St. Maarten for the rehearsal dinner for my friend's wedding. I decided that I needed to give it another chance. I feel like it makes me look fat, with no shape. Although, I'm not really sure what I was expecting. It's a maxi dress. That's what they do. But, anyway, I'm wearing it. And I will wear it out to Trivia tonight too. Here they are. Lovely and bright huh? Loooove them!!!

Hopefully, I'll have a minute to post tomorrow!

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