Day Four: Black Mossimo Flats/Black and white polka dot galoshes
Today I cheated. I wore two pairs of shoes. I know, that's not the challenge. BUT, nowhere do I remember saying that I couldn't wear two different pairs for parts of the day. Although, my galoshes don't really count. I only wore them from my apartment to work. At work I changed into my little black Mossimo flats that I got when I went shopping with Shannon when I first got promoted to Supervisor back at the Hotel. I've worn these little flats SO much since I bought them. They're pretty comfortable so wearing them to work at the Hotel was fine, and they're way cuter than my "ugly, Mom shoes" that I normally wore. It was a good thing I wore the flats today instead of heels. My current boss has been out yesterday and today at a conference in Boston, but has been emailing back and forth with one of the other girls I work with and asked that the three of us take turns riding the fixed bus routes that we have. I work at a transportation place now. Normally, we just schedule rides for MassHealth, but since we're still part of the whole transit authority we get questions about the fixed bus routes too. So, to familiarize ourselves with the routes she wanted us to ride them. So, I walked from the office to the bus stop, only about a 3 minute walk, and it was sunny and warm out today so I didn't mind. I did wish that I'd grabbed my sunglasses before I left though. But, I was glad that I had my flats on and not heels, because walking that far, even though it really wasn't far, would have probably hurt my ankles.
But, here's why I kind of cheated today. When I woke up it was wet and rainy and gross out, so I decided it would be the perfect day for my galoshes, which I was a little concerned as to how I would go about incorporating them into my challenge as it's summertime now. I have that concern about my three pairs of boots and clunky shoes too, but that'll just be another challenge! So, when I saw that it was rainy I ran to my computer and logged into my iGoogle where it said that the forecast for today was rain and 77 degrees. Perfect galoshes weather!! So, I put those on. But, knowing that it could get warmer and that it is indeed New England and could very easily go from raining to snowing to hot and humid and back again at any given moment made me grab a second pair of shoes to throw into my bag, just in case. And those were the ones I ended up wearing all day. So, I guess I'll just have to wear my galoshes another time! For your viewing pleasure, here are my black flats and my galoshes! Enjoy!
As you can see, my flats have DEFINITELY been worn a lot. The sole in the front of the right one is kind of coming apart, and the sides of both are kind of scuffed! haha Clearly, I've gotten my money's worth.
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