Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day Two: Candies Varzity Argyle Shoes

Today was Day Two of the challenge. The shoes today were my Candies "Varzity Argyle". I LOVE argyle I really don't know what it is about it, but I do. My mom and my sister think I'm crazy, they're not fans of the fabulous print. But, I don't care.
I found these gems at Kohl's a few years ago. And they were on CLEARANCE!! so I just had to bring them home with me. I figured, at the time, that I would need sensible heels for when I went to interviews or when I got a job that required business attire or business casual. At that point I was working at a hotel and walking around in these babies for 8 hours a day was NOT a great idea. My feet and my back would KILL at the end of the day. I sucked it up a couple of times, mostly because I would forget or block out the fact that they'd end up hurting so badly by the end of the day.
But, since I no longer work at a hotel and just sit behind a desk all day, they're fabulous. My feet don't hurt too bad tonight. I didn't slip or twist my ankle or stumble in them like I normally do. For some reason when I wear tiny heels like this I tend to stumble more than when I wear normal heels. :::shrugs::: Anyway, the only thing that I don't like about these is that they pinch on my pinky toe where it meets my foot. Not a lot, but after wearing them all day long it's a little sore. But, all in all they're quite cute and I like them. I prefer to wear them with pants, rather than skirts or dresses because I feel like unless I wear real heels with skirts or dresses I look even shorter than I already am. Today these lovelies were paired with black dress pants, and a light teal/green/blue short-sleeved top.

For your viewing pleasure... here are some pics of today's shoes.

Can't wait to decide what's up for tomorrow. Perhaps a pair of peep-toes?

Shoe-sy Q

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