Ok, yes, I get that they're undeniably comfortable. But, you look like a damn clown wearing them. And then they have these little button things that you stick in the holes? So you can look like a decorated clown? Also, they make your feet look really wide, which isn't really a good look.
I will concede that a friend of mine found little ballet flat shoes that are fuzzy on the inside that are actually adorable and I was shocked to find out they they were CROCS. BUT, that SINGLE style aside, they're hideous.
If you didn't know they were CROCS, you probably couldn't tell. At least, I couldn't when she wore them for the first time. But all their other styles are awful. They have HEELS and WEDGES too. I just don't get it. I know that some Chefs wear CROCS (without the holes in them) because they're slip resistant on slippery kitchen floors and because you're on your feet alllll day long and they're comfortable, but most of them don't wear them outside of work. And the bright orange CROCS are the only thing I don't like about Mario Batali on Iron Chef: America. Can anyone explain this phenomenon with ugly shoes to me???

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