Sunday, I wore my black flip flops with my navy blue polo and blue plaid bermuda shorts. I love those shorts. They're so comfy and really cute too!
Since I'm getting to the end of my journey, I decided it was time to break out the boots, so on Monday I wore my ankle boots.
I had another pair just like these, but I'd had them for quite a while and the heels were getting really worn down and the black coating on them was wearing off and they were turning white plastic. So, I bought new ones. These are actually slightly higher than the others and the toe is a little more squared that the others, but they're basically the same. I love them. Of course, I love them a lot more in the fall/winter when it's not crazy hot and humid, but that's the price I have to pay for giving myself this challenge.
Tuesday, I wore my tall boots. I had looked into getting a new pair of them last fall/winter and found a pair that I realllllllllly liked, but couldn't find my size in the store, and with boots like these I didn't really want to buy them without trying them on. My feet are super tiny, but my calves are normal sized/a little bigger than most and so it can sometimes get difficult to find boots that fit both my feet and my calves. Apparently, if you want to wear tall boots you have to be emaciated so that your legs fit. I guess this year I'll have to get a new pair though, these are getting pretty beat up and scuffed, etc.
Wednesday, I wore my sneakers. Saucony running shoes. I've had those for a while also, but don't really wear them much either because like I mentioned before, I think my feet look weird in running shoe sneakers. They are crazy comfortable though and when I go for a walk or a run outside I wear them and my feet don't hurt at all.
Last night after I went to the gym (yeah, that's a new development) I stopped at Target on my way home and found these shoes on sale. Marked down to like $6.98 or something, but then I got home and saw my receipt and they were really only $3.00!!! Very welcome surprise, I must say!
I will try to remember to post tomorrow, but who knows if that'll happen!
Shoes-y Q
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