Anyway, I'm back. Sadly, with this post is the end of my journey. Only about a month and a half. However, I may not have been completely honest with my journey. I have a pile of shoe boxes in my bedroom, right next to a bag of clothes that have been waiting to go to Goodwill/Salvation Army/Plato's Closet for months now. Stuff that's too big, I don't wear, or don't like. The shoes in the pile are ones that I haven't worn in a long time or that I just am not quite as big a fan of anymore as I used to be. I suppose I could let this go for another week or so and wear them all. Kind of "Last Hurrah" type thing... Anyway... here's what I've got from the last week of the challenge.
Saturday, it was pretty warm out so I went with jean shorts and a beige/gold tank top and my brown flip flops. Yes, this was the FINAL pair of Old Navy flip flops.
That day I went to the mall with a friend to help her find a birthday gift for her girlfriend. We had a pretty fun time, but it took us a while to get to the mall since it rained like WHOA. The weather was so weird that day. One minute it was hot and humid and sunny, and the next, I looked outside and it was raining. On my way to pick her up I had to go about 40 on the highway because it was raining so hard I could barely see!
Sunday was much nicer. Still humid, but not quite as hot. One of our "couple" friends were in the area for a wedding and we made plans to meet up for lunch. We went to Zen in Northampton for sushi. It was DELICIOUS! Then we walked around NoHo for a while, they were having their sidewalk sale last weekend. That night, the boy and I just hung out at the apartment together. Relaxing and such. Also, pretty fun. It was also the day I debuted the other pair of sandals I bought at Target the other day.
Monday I had to rock these babies...
A few years ago I was on a mission to find gold heels. I don't really remember why I NEEDED them so badly. But, I did. I was on my mission for a while when my mom and I were shopping one time and found a pair at Macy's.
I mentioned previously about my boots, etc. and how I hadn't really thought this whole challenge completely through since I have a few pairs of boots that would be a bit warm for June/July. But, I couldn't just brush them to the side and say no. I had to wear them. Enter, the "clunky" shoes. When I was in high school and in college, I thought I was hot shit because I had these black platform shoes. I wore them out. They were like the only shoes I'd wear. But, when the laces broke and they started to fall apart I needed new ones. So, I found a pair at RAVE.
Thursday, I went with my slouchy boots. Normally I prefer to wear these with my skinny jeans, tucked in. Yes, that's one trend that I like. I'd looked for slouchy boots for a while before finally finding these. Of course, they could probably double as pirate boots if that's what I decide on for a Halloween costume sometime. But, since I can only wear jeans on Fridays I went with dress pants, over the boots. Sadly, I didn't enjoy wearing them this time. I think because I prefer to show them off when I wear them, and partly because I was having a crappy day anyway and my feet were hott.
Friday, continued my crappy day from Thursday. And I also wore my Adidas sandals.
I've had them for forever. Since like 8th grade when I played softball. Because clearly, wearing socks with Adidas sandals is cool when you're also wearing your uniform because obviously you can't wear your cleats anywhere but the field. I really don't wear these ever anymore. Partly because they're so old, partly because you have to wear socks with them for probably a week before you can go without socks. The little knobby things, that are probably to help circulation and be comfy, HURT like a bitch! Maybe that contributed to my bad mood on Friday. My feet being on fire from hurting so bad. Yeah, look at them... dirty as all hell, and if you can't tell from the pic of just them... the knobby things under the big toe areas... have all come off! haha
Like I mentioned at the beginning, today was my final day. Not counting the pile of shoes that are headed to a new home. Originally I hadn't planned to include these because I felt that I really don't wear them enough, when I wear them, to include them. However, this morning I did something that I NEVER, in a million years, thought I would have done or even have ever wanted to do. I ran a 5K. Because I wanted to. Not because someone made me do it, or any other reason. Just because I wanted to and because I wanted to know I could. And you know what? I liked it. Yes, I liked it. I've always said that anyone who runs for fun is out of his or her mind! But, it was a pretty great feeling. Yeah, my calves are crazy tight right now and I keep stretching them out, but it's a good hurt. I'm really proud of myself. And my mom. She's the one who told me about it and we did it together. She came in about a minute or so ahead of me and she ran the WHOLE way. I walked a little bit, but ran most of it. So, I felt that because of this I had to include my gym sneakers, my running sneakers.
So, here we are. At the end of this journey. I've really enjoyed it all. It's given me a challenge to come up with new outfits for each pair and to make sure I match. Here are a couple pictures of my closet. You've probably wondered at some point where I keep all these shoes when not wearing them...
And here is the pile of stuff to get rid of...
Shoes-y Q
omg the pierced platforms... pretty sure I used to have the same shoes!!! It's the piercing that I just can't deny. The pictures make me kinda wish I never got rid of them.