Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dislikes and Disappointments... as Promised

So, if I remember correctly, in my first post I mentioned that I would write at least one post about shoes that I can't stand or ones that I just don't understand. Today, since I've been a blog slacker, is just that day!

I haven't written in almost a week and I do feel bad about that, but it's been a busy week. Saturday we had our BBQ which was a HUGE success! Sunday we didn't do a whole lot, the boy went to a "Pre-Release Tournament" for Magic: The Gathering (in case you've been living under a rock, it's kind of a role-playing card game or something... very nerdy) for a few hours so I was home hanging out with the cat. For the BBQ on Saturday, the boy had purchased FAR too much meat to make burgers, so I took the leftovers and made a meatloaf and a pan of meatballs. And then I watched the first four episodes of season 1 of Desperate Housewives. I'm kind of enjoying it so far. Some things are irritating me, but I'm only 4 and a half episodes in so I can't really complain. Sunday night my friend Darrell and I went to Applebee's for Trivia Night, we came in Second Place!

Monday was Top Gear night so Darrell and I made pasta and sauce for dinner (soooo good!!) and then I got home around 9:30 and hung out with the boy for a while. Tuesday I was supposed to go to a Belly Dance class in the evening, but the boy needed to run to Gardner to pick up a book from his parents house and I wouldn't have had a ride home from the class so I skipped the class and went with him. But, we got to hang out with his parents for an hour or so which was really nice. We dont' get to see them as often as we'd really like.

Yesterday, I went to the gym. For the first time in a loooong time. It was amazing. I went 3.35 miles on the eliptical machine. I was pretty proud of myself. Since I've started my new job and am not walking all over creation, I need to start working out more because otherwise I'll gain a bunch of weight and I don't want that to happen! Perhaps I'll go again tonight after Weight Watchers.
I'm very excited about this weekend because my younger sister is coming home!!! Yaaaay!!! She lives out in upstate NY with her boyfriend and I don't get to see her much so I can't wait. On Saturday she and my mom and my cousin and I are all going to the beach for the day! First beach day this summer, and I can't wait! Of course, if it rains or is cold I will probably cry!! But, we'll probably end up going shopping instead if that happens! haha

Ok, so now to more important things... shoes. The reason we're here. So, if you remember a few posts ago I was crazy excited about the three new pairs of shoes I ordered from and two pairs had come in and I was just waiting for my third pair to come in. The nude/buff/cream colored ones. Well, I got an email from Target telling me that those shoes were not available in my size. And instead of just waiting until the shoes were available they are just cancelling that part of my order!!! HELLO!?!?!?!? I ORDERED THEM BECAUSE I WANTED THEM!!!!!!! >:-0 So, I'll have to "keep checking back" for when they become available again and if I still want them I can order them again. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if they're going to show availabilty on their website that they have a certain pair of shoes available in my size, then shouldn't they... oh, I don't know... HAVE THEM AVAILABLE!??!!?!? I'm so angry about this. I was so excited about these and now they're not coming! Yes, I probably will order them again or find a different pair that I like just as much that are very similar but that's beside the point. The point is, I wanted those shoes. I ordered those shoes. And I should receive those shoes! ARRRGH!!! But, there's no use complaining about it. It's not like they're charging me for them even though I'm not receiving them. I guess that's the risk you run when you order things online.

Now, on to the Dislikes in the shoe genre... first up... UGGS.
All styles, colors, shapes and sizes. I don't care how "warm and comfy" they are. Why would you want to walk around in these HIDEOUSLY HEINOUS things??? I just don't understand it. I will admit, albeit begrudgingly, that there was one time that I wore a pair of UGGS. It was for a total of about 3-4 hours and it was when my mom and I went to visit my sister and her boyfriend in NY and we went to one of his hockey games. It was April so all I brought were flip flops and my Puma sneakers. My feet get cold very easily so my sister convinced me to borrow a pair of her UGGS to wear for the game. They were her chocolate brown ones and I borrowed on of her boyfriend's sweatshirts that was dark brown also so I did match. (I'm all about matchy matchy in case you were wondering.) Yes. My feet were mostly warm sitting in the bleachers at the ice rink. Yes. They were relatively comfortable. Yes. I felt like a hypocrite and a fool and embarrassed for the entire amount of time that I was wearing them. And, YES. As soon as we were back in my mom's van after the game, I put my Puma's back on. Lucky for me there were only a maximum of about 35-40 people at the game that saw me. Who knows how many of them are like me and look at (and judge) what kind of shoes someone is wearing. Wearing those things went against everything that I believe in and I was very against it and even now I don't really want to talk about it, but in the effort of being honest here, I had to tell you. The only thing worse than wearing UGGS for comfort and warmth is wearing them in the middle of the summer or when it's warm out paired with a mini skirt or shorts or, like in one picture I found online, A BATHING SUIT. REALLY!?!?!?! What planet are you from? If it's warm enough to wear a bathing suit then I would assume it's probably also warm enough to wear sandals or flip flops. Or some other kind of shoe that doesn't make you A) Look like a complete IDIOT, or B) Make your feet sweat and then get stinky and grossss!!!! If anyone who reads this has UGGS and just LOVES them... could you please try to shed some light on what makes these ugly things so wonderful? And if you say it's because they're trendy or in style or something cliche like that... I might just have to throttle you... just saying.

Another shoe style that boggles my mind are peep-toe boots. Take a minute to digest that.

....still bewildered by the concept? Yeah, me too. Peep-toe... i.e. you get a "peep" of your "toes" meaning your feet are exposed. Boots... closed toe, closed back, any height from ankle to mid thigh, with or without heels. Doesn't. Make. Sense. I love Rhianna and SJP(Sarah Jessica Parker) and all, I just don't understand the peep-toe boots. It's like what season do you wear them for? I feel that boots are usually for cooler weather, i.e. fall and winter. Maybe early spring. I'm going to have to wear my boots in the summer because I'm dumb and didn't think about my boots or other cool weather footwear that I now need to sport during this challenge. Oops! But yeah, peep-toe boots... I am at a loss for words. It gets worse when they're like half sandals and half boots... I want to ask these people... did your shoes get into a fight with the lawn mower? Do you have any thoughts or comments about peep-toe boots?

Which brings me to the third and final (for today) shoe style that I just can. not. fathom.

Let's take a moment, shall we? To take in the cages that are gladiator sandals. I just don't get them. They're weird and rather ugly. And NOONE's feet look cute in them. I know MK&A (Mary-Kate and Ashley) are all about them, and I think Hayden Penetierre too, and I know Sienna Miller loves them. I just dont' get it. Especially the ones that are flat and wrap around 3/4 of your calf. EW! Some of my friends have and wear gladiator sandals and I just can't understand it. Why? Am I the crazy one? I'm not even a huge fan of t-strap sandals. It's almost like, what's the point of wearing sandals if you're going to put all these straps and buckles and studs etc all over your feet? Isn't the point of sandals to keep your feel cool in the warmer climates/seasons? Not, to cover them with straps and stuff that will make your feet sweaty and uncomfortable?

I don't know. Maybe I'm the weird one... but, I just don't understand the obsession with these three styles of shoes...

What do you think?

Shoes-y Q


  1. OMG. I'm totally with you on the Uggs. I don't get it. They are UGGly. And I'm also with you on the Gladiator sandals. They are ugly also. I've never heard of the peep-toe boots but since I only wear boots when it's snowy and/or cold, they really don't make any sense whatsoever.

  2. i have to say that i was totally against uggs for the longest time. until i saw a pair that i really liked. i'll have to show you a pic sometime. they are not regular uggs. they are short and kinda have this flap with a button. anyway i also hate the gladiator sandles! they make me wanna strangle people!

  3. oh no! i love gladiator sandals! they do not make your feet sweaty at all and they are truly stylish. i dont like ones with 85 million straps as pictured by #5-- but 2, 3, and 4 are good.

    personally i do not like flip flops. there is a big difference between a flip flop and a sandal, i think you'll agree. flip flops to me are just ... blehhhhhhh... ugh!

  4. Awww man I LOVE gladiator sandals AND peep toe boots. And I won UGGS.

    WHO AM I?!

    - Sarah
